Who am I?
I am self-taught level designer and programmer who has started out my career in Valve modding community scene.
Graduated from Game Design in EsACT - IPB with the objective to become a better game developer and to look forward new opportunities.
My Roots
My story began when I had huge exposure to technology, computers and video games. I used to play tons of community made mods of Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 at young age, always wanted to create something of my own and that's how I got myself into level design and modding.
Started to learn Hammer Editor for Source 1 Engine, a tool responsible to create maps and levels, and some 3D modeling as well. After publishing my first map, I have joined few modding teams as level designer and with responsibility to design new and high-quality maps. Apart of level design and 3D modeling, I am capable to code in Python, C/C++ on game engines such as Unreal Engine and Source SDK 2013 branch, and C# on Unity aswell.
Despite of still being active in the modding scene, I took a Bachelor course of Game Design, EsACT - IPB, in order to learn new tools and modern workflows. Apart from college, I have joined some Game Jams, like MAD from ESMAD - IPP and Global Game Jam in FEUP, and had given lectures in Pólo Zero, Porto, showcasing my personal projects and experience.