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A Rota do Bacalhau

Unity 2022.3.10f1

Job Role: Level Designer

13/11/2023 - 17/11/2023

From the outset, as a group, we aim to use 'Os Lusiadas' for our project, due to its high narrative and gameplay potential, along with very little interpretation in other media apart from the original work. With this in mind, we've merged this idea with the interdisciplinary theme of this week in a peculiar manner.

An old fisherman narrating his life story to his grandchildren, yet due to his dementia, often intertwines it with his favorite epic tale, always in a positive light. To materialize this concept, we intend to develop a prototype based on the 1993 game 'Doom,' an action-packed game, capable of encapsulating how 'Os Lusiadas' invade the story of our beloved Manuel Magalhães.

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